Monday, July 21, 2008

Living Out of Two Suitcases

This weekend my parents drove to H-Town to pick up all my belongings except for what fits in two 50 lb. bags! Friends joined us at 8am (on a Saturday!) to knock the trailer loading task out in no time. It was a precious and humbling gift that they shared their time, effort, and hearts in serving me as unto the Lord.

God is giving me the grace to:

  • keep my focus as many sad goodbyes are said
  • receive people's sacrifice of time and money with a glad heart (instead of a faithless heart that longs to be self sufficient)
  • have more time with my best friend/roommate, family, and old friends than I expected before leaving
  • testify to our Lord's glorious grace as waiters, nurses, bank personnel, random strangers, and more ask about what I'm up to. (I love to tell the story! It shall be my theme in glory, to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love! --a hymn)

SO Excited

I am SO eager to get started in Brazil! The Jefferson's (whom I'll be working with) call or email almost every day, so I feel very informed and supported from their end too!

Prayer Request

Please thank the Lord with me that He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him! He is also a shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3). This truth will bring me courage when the discomfort of a new culture, and lonliness, etc. hit very soon. Please ask the Lord to so strongly support me that I will be surprised by an unexplainably smooth transition and love for the culture and people! Muito Obrigada!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just added your blog to my reader so I will always know when you have an update. I love and miss you too!