Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Now I Live to Bring Him Praise"

Last night I was invited to sing "None But Jesus" in English during the youth's band rehearsal. The music was so loud that I could not hear myself and just knew I was singing off key. Indeed, I found out that I had been. You know? That's very humbling, but I am thankful for every opportunity I get to be humbled. Next time I sing here it may be the same situation, but I will remind myself to worship instead of worry about my pitch, so at least God will be praised regardless of how it sounds. From years of singing solos I have discovered a unique occurance. When my heart is focused on worship, God annoints the song and touches hearts. When I am thinking about my own nerves, or wanting to sound good it usually flops. I'm so thankful for this because God will not allow me to sing for my own glory, but only His! Hallelujah!


Amber Knowles said...

I LOVE hearing about all that is happening there:) Praising Him for all He is doing IN and THROUGH you in that place. Keep on keepin' on! Love ya girl.

Sarah said...

Thanks sweet friend! Love you so! You do likewise there in TN!