Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Amazon Mission Trip

Our Houston team of 13 met for 3 hours every Tuesday night for 3 months to prepare. We learned the 15 key events of the Bible in chronological story form, gathered hundreds of flip flops, first aid kits, bottles of nail polish and hygiene items, and practiced our testimonies with a Portuguese interpreter.

In Brazil we boarded a boat on which we’d call hammocks “beds” and set out down the Amazon River to three newly found villages. In each village we searched for homes and invited people to gather with us later that day. When a group formed we broke the ice with songs, games, and attempts at small talk and then spent hours with them each day laughing, telling the Bible stories as one big event from ‘God’s Book”, sharing our testimonies, singing songs in Portuguese, watching the Jesus film, and then watching God call individuals into His family forever!

I was amazed at the response of the men in the first village. After receiving Christ they followed us down the river to villages 2 and 3 to hear more. One morning, after someone had just told about Jesus’ power to heal and forgive sins, women in the crowd started asking to pray right then. We agreed and everyone with a need stepped forward for prayer (We made sure to tell them that they could pray at anytime...not just when we were there). One bright young man who’d stood out to all of us said “pray that God will clean my heart”.

1 comment:

Justin and Rachel Smith said...

That's amazing!!! I'm praying for your health, for your heart and that God will lead you exactly to the people he's called you to. I know you're being sensitive to follow Him. My prayer is for Him to direct your steps.
I love reading your blog. It makes the world feel so much smaller that I can read what you're going through each week. Thank you for being willing to serve God and to be the hands ans feet of our loving Jesus.
I miss you, but pray that God will richly bless your time there!