Saturday, December 20, 2008
The New Plan
"Job and housing in Houston?" many of you may be asking. Well yes, it's true that I can not go right back to Brazil in January as I'd hoped. Early on in my stay there I found out that the Visa info. I'd been given was old policy and though my Visa is called a "5-year Visa" it only allows Americans with my qualifications in for 6 months per year (beginning the day you enter). I boohoo'd and questioned many things until the Lord began to call my faith out in a new way.
I will be elligible for 6 more months in Brazil next August 1st and have been dilligently asking the Father to lead me in accordance with His will while taking steps towards life back in Houston (my US home) unless I heard from Him otherwise. Well...I did (TOTALLY not expecting it).
My older sister is pregnant with her 4th child and having complications that mean she needs to stay in bed most of the day for the next 3.5 months. Her husband's job requires a lot of travel and she needs someone to take care of her, the other 3 kids (6, 4, and 1), and the home 24/7. Their almost desperate request came about 2 weeks ago while my sister was in the hospital and it seemed pretty obvious to me that this is the Lord's will for my next few months.
I cried at the thought of calling friends in Houston and telling them that our plans were off, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of trusting God through sudden and huge changes of direction. I admit that it has been a real struggle to be ok with not knowing any of the future, releasing fear of people's judgements while I wait, and not knowing for sure if the coming home from Brazil is for now, or for always...but God has been administering His grace to me in these areas and I have been enjoying increasing joy and peace as I walk in the direction of His will as well as I understand it.
I want you to know that I'm not living off of any of the money given for work in Brazil. I was able to save some of it during this last leg and with it I'm planning to send some support to a young Brazilian pastor who's given up a city church to live among, and disciple Quilombolas! There should even be a little more beyond that and I'll save it for my next trip (Lord willing!). If you still feel led to give, know that it will be carefully given to aid spreading of the gospel through Brazil. There is tremendous need there and a little goes a long way. I am always aware of the sacrifice that many of you made for this Kingdom purpose. May the Lord bless you with loads of spiritual blessing in return!
Would you mind praying for me as I transition into a new ministry that feels way more over my head than Brazil was? Please pray that God will fill me with physical strength for long, active hours, love lived out, and works that I can not even imagine...for His the glory of His name! I'm sure I'm entering another season of major heart change. I'm both nervous and thankful.
Praise be to God who does all things well.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
In the US
Have I told you lately how grateful I am for your prayers and friendship? I SO am! Please don't stop.
Love in Christ,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In You (by Shane and Shane)
In my remorse
A well within prosperity’s curse
That drowns the mighty oak of pride
But feeds the root of God inside.
In You
I find my rest
In You
I find my death
In You
I find my all
and my emptiness
Somehow it all makes sense!
In You I’m rich
When I’ve been made poor.
Comfort found when I mourn.
The prideful one You see from afar
Drawing near to low, broken hearts.
In You
I find my rest
In You
I find my death
In You
I find my all and my emptiness
Somehow it all makes sense
In You
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Pilgrims Progress (Spiritist Church, and Surfer Evangelism)
Huge Team!
This morning I sent an email to 100 friends who either asked to be on my update list, or joined our team through prayer or financial support. My Mom and siblings also sent my specific prayer requests to their small groups and friends asking that all ask our Father to reveal Himself to many friends and aquaintances I have made here in Salvador.
One of the Weirdest Things I've Ever Done...Obviously God's Idea
My first stop this morning was to a spiritist church that I pass by most mornings. I've noticed that Mondays are their day of worship (with music, prayer, and ceremonial cleansing (popcorn sprinkled over the head, and leafy branches brushed over the body like a security wand in the airport)). As I got closer and closer I started to get nervous, not knowing exactly how it was all gonna go down. The disciples of Jesus' day were sometimes received well, and other times persecuted, so I did not know which way it would go today.
As I started to get nervous the Lord reminded me that I really had no reason to fear, and I proceded with more confidence and joy in what HE had planned to do through me. People who'd just left church walked towards me and I gave one lady a tract and Book of Luke in Portuguese. She asked how much she had to pay and I was so glad to tell her that it was free, as is the gift of salvation through Jesus. At her church you have to pay for blessings and freedom from the evil spirits and such. She seemed surprised and thankful.
Now let's skip past several similar opportunities to the moment when I stepped onto the church grounds and saw armed guards standing to my left. Yikes, I'd never noticed them before.
Conversations about Spiritism and Jesus Christ!
I prayed and then began asking questions of one lady who was selling idols. She told me some about what was going on, and I began to tell her what the Bible says. She then told me that I should be very careful because I was in danger. Next to her was a lady in a large, white, hooped dress with a white turbine-like hat sprinkling a man with popcorn in exchange for money.
Since I was not received there, I went to the stand beside them where a man and woman were selling fruit. I bought a banana that they tried to give me for free and then began talking with them about their beliefs and mine. I told them that the Bible says that Jesus is the only Way, Truth and Life, and that no one gets to the Father accept through Him. I also told them that the gift of salvation is free through faith in Christ Jesus, and that they did not need these ceremonies since only Jesus saves. They listened and responded, so as the Lord kept forming my thoughts and helping me remember Portuguese words we kept visiting. In the end I gave them tracts and the Book of Luke in Portuguese and they both began reading before I left.
During that friendly conversation I noticed that the first lady who'd told me to be careful had repositioned her chair so that she could see me around the corner and hear what we were talking about at the next booth, so I went back to her and asked if she would also like the literature and some more conversation. She said she would like it indeed. While I was there the man that was paying for his popcorn baptism held out his hand for one, and motioned that I should give one to the witch (I'm not sure what they are really called) as well. So I did...praise the LORD. Amen!
To the Beach for Follow-up Conversations
I gave out a few more tracts and headed down to the beach to reconnect with some people I spoke with a few days ago. It really helps that I resemble someone very famous here so many people begin conversations with me and we end up talking about my purpose for being here, to which they often respond with curiosity and questions about my faith. Amen! I truly stand in amazement of God's awesome plan in all of this!
I saw my surfer friend giving lessons and we talked for about 20 mintues, confirming that we would meet to talk more about the Bible at 4. On my way home I spoke with a few more people and then did some work at minha casa (my apartment).
Talk with Surfer Friend João
My 4:00 talk with my surfer friend/acquaintance was nice though somehow he had missed the fact that I am leaving this week and it would be our last time to talk. (I'm really sorry that this caught him off guard because I had tried to communicate that well. It was our first and last time to meet up on purpose). He asked many questions about the Bible and we basically started in Genesis, moved through to Christ's death and resurrection, and ended with what that means for us today. I urged him to read Luke and to ask God to reveal the truth of Himself to him. I also had the privledge of giving him an audio Bible to listen to. His simplicity, genuine kindness, and respect towards me have been a breath of fresh air since many men here are quite the opposite.
Unexpected Lesson/Opportunity of the Day
I then climbed back up the hill to the spiritist church and decided to catch a taxi since it was dark and dangerous. There amidst all of the religious ceremonies, and accompanying drunken, loud partying and dancing, a nice man tried to help me find the driver of the taxi that was parked nearby. We finally found him at the bar, but he was too confused (drunk) to know where my apartment was, though totally willing to drive me there. I politely declined. Duh!!
The nice man that was helping me said that I should just wait because people arrive there by taxi every 3 minutes and he would help me flag one down when it emptied out. 3 minutes turned into 30 minutes of me standing alone, in the dark, on the edge of all the spirit worship and partying. I started to pray about why the Lord was leaving me there and I began to see that it was kinda sad that I was spending all my stranded time totally seperate from the people Jesus loves. SO, I walked towards the group of people my age, dancing on the side of the street, and asked if anyone spoke English. One gal did and we hit it off immediately (like I ever meet a Brazilian that I don't hit it off with right away. They are SO friendly!).
Almost Lost the Chance to Talk about Jesus over a Man-made Rule on Alcohol
Our conversation led to my purpose for being in Brazil, and of course they found out I was an evangelical missionary. Several of her friends started to bail on the conversation when they found that out, saying that I would not want to hang out with them since they were drinking beer. I told them that that was absolutely NOT the case and that though I do not personally drink (wasn't raised with it and haven't aquired the taste), I did not mind that they were [**We know the Bible forbids drukenness, but these people were likely not believers and I was not about to teach them to be moral before teaching them to love and follow Jesus!!! In so doing we make many religious-law-keepers that are going to hell because their heart never trusted in Jesus. I do not believe that the person who never touches alcohol is wrong, nor do I believe the guy who drinks alcohol in moderation is wrong...if their heart and motive belong to Christ. The Bible says that each should live according to his conviction, as unto the Lord, and not tell everyone else to do exactly what he does. These disputable matters should be governed by the Holy Spirit in us, not made into a rule that teaches people that listening to the Holy Spirit is not even really important in their day to day walk with God, but rather rules are]. Praise Jesus for the fact that our conversation was not totally extinguished there! HOW SAD is it that unbelievers who drink beer have been taught that followers of Christ do not love or like them for that one fact!!??!!! Oh my gosh that really fires me up.
Long story short...another girl who spoke English came out of no where, was not under the influence, and offered me a ride home. She was totally nice too. Yay!
What a really cool day! I am now really, really looking forward to what the Lord will do in the coming days with about 150 people asking Him. Approaching people in the middle of their spirit worship was the most nerve-racking goal of my week. The coming conversations are with friends, and of no less importance. These are critical days in our Kingdom work here, and I beg the Lord to call these friends to Himself!
With love and thanks,
Friday, November 14, 2008
God Speaks Every Tongue
I love this family dearly. Elba and her husband Carlos have three grown children that live at home until they marry (as is Brazil's custom). Elba collects owl figurines, has a white hammock in her livingroom across from the couch, and has invited me to spend tomorrow afternoon with her, her sister, and adolescent nephew.
Tonight the opportunity to share my testimony came up naturally in conversation. I have been looking forward to the day the Lord would bring this about and glorify His name in their home. One of them listened with focused intensity, and another cut me off with explaination of how living a good life makes God live inside us all. I yearned for proficiency in Portuguese in those moments. Thankfully the Lord, who saves, is not hemmed in by my inabilities, and we will have more conversations soon!
This morning I was reading through Acts, and now find it comforting that during the first days of the disciples ministry, in a city abnormally full of foreigners gathered from many lands, language was not a barrier to God's message then, or now! He will send His truth forth through anyone who is willing to open his mouth by faith. Praise Him!
Things You Don't See the U.S.
This is my street. It has been like this at least a week. :-)
Our dine-in Pizza Hut pizza.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Loving Friends
Sunday, November 9, 2008
In Jesus' Own Words
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces." Luke 11:43
"One of the experts in the law answered him, "Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also." Jesus replied, "woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them." Luke 11:46
"You hypocrites! Doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?" When he said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing." Luke 13:15-17
"All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!" "My son, the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours..." Luke 15:29b-31
"If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, "I repent," forgive him. The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" Luke 17:3b-5
"Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement." John 7:24
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Night on the Town
I enjoyed watching her 8 friends talk and laugh for about 3 hours, and had a few delayed (after translation) laughs of my own. I have noticed while living in Brazil that I have a real need for laughter. I discovered it after about a month of being here (without one instance of hard laughter that I can remember) and I talked to my former roommate and laughed my head off as she told me about killing her first roach (I was the designated roach killer in our apartment) and how she felt like it was a moment of crossing over from adolesence into adulthood. Laughter is soooo much richer when you are starved for it. I guess anything in life is. I'm so thankful for all of the simple pleasures that the Lord created for us to enjoy!
Quick, give me something to wash this down!
For dinner I had a large crab brought to me on a plate. His eyes, mouth and hairy legs took me a bit to get past, but once I learned the art of breaking his legs off and pounding the shell with a small mallot, the tender, tiny, flavor-filled morsels of meat enriched my day! I also tried a disgusting shellfish that would have lasted as long as a piece of Wrigleys chewing gum had I not forced myself to swallow it. It looked so disgusting that the whole table of guys and gals had to pound their fists on the table in unison to rile me up for the slurp.
Deep Fellowship Over Breakfast
This morning I had breakfast with Nicole's parents. Her father is a pastor of about 2000 Brazilians that gather in various homes on Sunday nights for worship and fellowship. He and his wife grew up in traditional denominations but never knew Christ. When they met and were transformed by Him, they were not able to continue meeting where they had been, and began meeting in someones house (shunned by their families and friends), longing to simply live as Jesus did, led by the Holy Spirit and grace. Each disciple has a discipler and they long very much to be renewed by Christ day by day, for His name's sake. I do not praise this family, or exalt their way of meeting over other options we have, but I am SO encouraged by the purity of their love for God, the sincerity of their devotion to His ways, and the zeal of their service. I would have talked with them all day if I could.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mail Makes Me Dance!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Data Entry
Thinking of the US all day today...Election Day.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Evangelism is My Favorite Part! Millions of Stories, but Here is the Beginning of One Unfinished!
With work, church leaders, family, friends, acquaintances, government, and all of the other responsibilities of life, how does one know what to do or when it’s ok to rest? Why are so many Christians so strung out on busyness that they don’t have enough time for life changing time with God, memory making with loved ones, unrushed, loving relationships with lost people, and more of the truly important things in life?
While studying the gospels these last 3 months I've noticed that though Jesus could have always preached one more sermon, or healed one more sick person, or put one more self-righteous religous person in his place, He said that He only came to do what the Father told him to do.
I would like to follow in His footsteps.
"Weird Request" aka "Chance to See God Work at the Most Unexpected Time"
Today the Lord led me to do something strange. I was walking along the orla and saw a woman straddling the sea wall whose face looked completely hardened and bitter. My heart was filled with compassion for her as I passed by and began to pray that God would intervene in her life. All of a sudden scriptures that I’ve read and learned from lately began to flood my mind and I knew I was to turn around and speak to this woman.
As I headed back in her direction I began to think “What am I doing? I don’t speak Portuguese!” But that was a lie…a justification for aborting this mission, so I continued her way, only by faith and fear of the Lord. I will tell her the phrase that Pastor Jefferson tells me almost every day when I’m working with he and Deborah I thought! So I came from behind her, being mindful not to startle her, touched her shoulder, looked her in her one seeing eye and said “Jesus ti ama”, which means “Jesus loves you”. She looked at me kind of puzzled and I walked away briskly to make sure my heartrate didn’t descend (I was of course exercising).
Well, guess what? Though my tennis shoes were taking me further and further away, my spirit was stirred again and God helped me understand that His work was not finished! Now this time I came up with every possible excuse, but could not shake the confidence that I was being disobedient and merely satisfied with a Christian-seeming gesture. So I got honest with God about my feelings and asked Him what I should do. Looking back into the distance I saw her get up and begin walking my direction. If she indeed came all of this way, how would I wait without looking strange? "Water" I thought. I’d take a casual water break!
I crossed the street and purchased a bottle of water from a stand, but no, I was compelled to buy two! When I turned around to see how close she was, I was surprised to find that she was actually crossing the street towards me. “This is it, oh God help me” I said with peace and excitement in my heart. I offered her a bottle of cool water and asked her name. “Sonya” she said. Then, I asked her every question I know in Portuguese and she took off telling me about all kinds of things as we walked along the busy road towards both of our neighborhoods.
So there I was, strolling down a busy street in full on conversation with this random lady, and I’m talking in sentences I’ve never really formed before and understanding everything she’s telling me. We talked about her sons, husband, grandson, my family, and work here in Brazil, and how I should be careful walking around by myself due to crime, etc. We walked and walked until we reached her neighborhood. She asked if I walked there every day and I decided that sure, I could start walking in the evenings instead of mornings, and said yes (on second thought it's not really possible because I get home from working at the Jefferson's at sundown...what was I thinking?). She said she would look for me in the near future. I am so excited and anticipating what the Lord has planned for my last 3 weeks here! This is exactly how many friendships with unbelievers have begun here. Isn't God's pursuit of the lost neat?
Update on Surf Instructor!!
I also ran into the guy that gave me a free surfing lesson several weeks ago! He originally turned down the Book of Luke, in Portuguese, that I offered him, but today he asked me if I would give it to him after all because he’d been thinking!!! Oh my dear Lord you are sooo cool!
God's Perfect Protection
I spoke to a few others along my path and enjoyed watching the gigantic sun sink into the ocean (this was my first sunset to see in Salvador and it was spectacular). Another cool thing about my walk with this woman is that I ended up on the opposite side of the road from where I usually walk home. It’s a very good thing because two groups of young men got into a big fight right where I would have been walking. I hid behind a light pole and prayed for safety until they were done socking each other with fists and threatening to throw one guy over the high sea wall to crash down on the jagged rocks. I was so thankful to have the Lord with me. I asked Him to make me invisible to bad guys and continued home. A minute later I saw one group of guys returning to start things up with the others, only this time they had long pieces of wood in hand. Man! <---Oh yeah, I think I need a man. ;-) Thankfully the continued grace and protection of God is mine while I am single (and there after too).
Thursday, October 30, 2008
10 Days in Engenho Da Pointe
When we arrived there was only a cement slab in place. 5 days later we welcomed over 100 curious Quilombolas from villages near and far to hear one of the clearest gospel presentations I have ever heard from a pulpit!
2 days later we returned for church service and found a local mother with a circle of 16 kids closing out their Bible lesson, and adults arriving for worship and teaching.
Highlights include:
- Watching the church fill to overflowing and 2o more people standing outside the church to watch and listen through the windows on the evening of the first service.
- Being welcomed into people's mud homes and having the deep joy of sharing the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ with them. Watching the spiritual battle as they shifted in their chairs, and denied that they'd ever committed one single sin showed the hardness of many hearts in that region. Many others were ready to put their faith in Jesus. Let us continue to pray for them as the enemy swoops into try to steal the seeds that have been planted.
- Deep conversations and tearful prayer times with my 2 new and dear gal friends that came as translators.
- Long conversations with our unbelieving male translators about many spiritual topics and the Truth of Christ.
- Almost being trampelled by an angry bull on a narrow path. We were thankful to get away from the chase with mere broken flip flops and scrapes from the prickly bushes we jumped into. One girl fell on her butt down an incline and the heavy, out of control bull skimmed by within a foot of her.
- Working/sweating on high, shaky scaffolding.
- Oreos, pretzel Combos, oatmeal pies, Starbursts, and a stomach ache...compliments of the American visitors!
- Playing with the same kids day after day! They are so precious!
- Lesson's from God in the depths of my heart.
Today I am resting and packing to leave for a ladies retreat in another city tomorrow at 6:30am. Supposedly I'm singing...but that's all I know so far.
Thanks for your prayers and emails! Glory to God who does ALL things well!
Friday, October 17, 2008

Camera Phone.
At last political season is over here. No more 3x5 fliers handed to me on every corner. No more cars with gigantic speakers strapped to the roof cruising with speeches and loud music. Now it's just a lot of Obama talk here.
My door is always're welcome anytime...if you can make it. :-)
Ummm, yummy sandwich made from tapioca (the white powder you see will fuse together to make a tortilla like wrap! One of the words for the tapioca root is actuall pronouced "yummy"!
I know about 10 unrealated recipies that are all made from tapioca!
It's now a joke between Deborah and I..."Umm, what is this? Must be tapioca". It usually is.
I looked up the nutritional facts online and found "Nutritional Value: weight gain"!
I finally found out that this gorgeous (or creepy) mansion on a green hill is a Philosophy building for University students.
Me...a Surfer?
Long story short-ish, we talked about my work as a missionary, and he closed off a bit when I began to talk about Christ, so I prayed that the Lord would soften his heart and continued down a different topic of conversation. When he asked me if I wanted to try surfing my immediate answer was NO! I've have long said that I would never surf (too scared and generally uninterested) but must admit I have grown more curious after watching them every morning as I jog. So after another topic of conversation I told him that I changed my mind but was nervous.
First I learned how to get on the durn board. Then how to balance my body on the board as the waves came (without tipping over). Next I learned how to paddle while remaining balanced, and then how to stand up. He made the instructions sound so easy, and I knew it could not be as easy as it sounded, but I just jumped up and he lit up like a light telling me that it was almost perfect. What? 2 more practice "pop ups" and I was ready for a wave! After riding a few small waves, and missing a few too, I was ready to paddle out to some larger ones! Yay, this was so scary and fun! Finally I felt myself getting tired and we took a break before just a few more big waves came and we called it a day.
The little rest turned into a quite full conversation in which I got to tell him how my sins have been forgiven, how the Holy Spirit teaches me from within and helps me understand the Bible, and how Christ has totally changed my life. I got to explain a little about the character of Jesus and some of His teachings while on earth. (The only exposure this guy has had to Christianity has been catholicism and charasmatic churches where the preacher yells at you and asks for all of your money. I was happy to explain how unlike Christ many of those beliefs are)
Several times thoughout the lesson he would interject a random question like "How long have you been a missionary?", and 10 minutes later another stand-alone question like "Are your family members Christians too?" When we returned to the shore I offered him the book of Luke for his reading pleasure but he kinda skirted around the offer and never ended up taking it. I will see him again in a few weeks for a free Brazilian martial arts lesson on the beach, and will be praying for his soul until then! Praise the Lord who does all things supremely!
I was horrified when I got home and saw my lobsterfied face (very unwise!). I have "strawberries" on my knee, hips, and ribs, and a really sore neck...but it was totally worth it!
Here's to facing your fears!! And here's to letting yourself enjoy the Lord's blessings! And I just can't go without saying how matchless the Lord is.
(Caption: "Call me"...err...uh..."Hang loose")
Totally Answered Prayers
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Jefferson´s Asked me to Post a Request for Prayer this Week
We are facing many road blocks in the final steps of prep this week. These include things like banks on strike, ordered materials delayed, a freak occurance where our internet company cancelled our connections for no reason, and others.
The Bible says that Jesus´ death and resurrection disarmed the enemy and subjected Him to humiliation. Since his weapons are powerless against us, let us call on the Almighty to carry our efforts forward and let us be ready to receive those who are coming from the US! We do not despair in the setbacks, and we are not surprised either. Trials of various kinds are sent to test our faith and develop perseverance in us! May it be so in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you for your partnership friend!
Love in Christ,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
God's Grace
- It's by his grace that I can turn my back on sins that have always convinced me that I must obey their call.
- By His grace I am physically safe here in Brazil (unless He chooses to apply His grace to me through injury).
- His grace shelters me from slavery to moral filth and temptation that is so prevelent in this age.
- His grace gives me a clean slate EVERY time I fail Him. (tears flowing)
- Through doors of grace I find that simple conversation with Brazilians in broken Portuguese can state the most profound truth the world has ever known.
- Because He loves to show His grace He calls the worst of sinners to be His chosen and most beloved.
- Because His grace is so complete, not a drop of my own guilt belongs to me anymore.
- Because He's a gracious Shepherd, I shall want for nothing.
- Because He's chosen to make my faith mature and complete, lacking in nothing, He sends many trials to test me. Many.
- Because He loves me so, He's teaching me that the safest and richest place to be is out of my own control, and in His. (Though I try to wrestle with Him, He does not give up, or give me over)
There is more to say of Him, but you already know that. We have a gigantic book full of testimonies about His grace. It is my/our food.
I am so weak. I do not have strong faith. I am so often disobedient. I'm too often focused on myself or some worldly love that I have. I think I have rights and struggle when people don't recognize them. But God...He's perfect. And living His life through me. Amazing grace.
Monday, October 13, 2008
New English Service--Outreach Tool!
Yesterday was our first church service in English at the church that we regularly attend on Sunday's (in the city). The pastors there have great love for the Jeffersons, and consequently me too. They asked us if we'd be willing to hold a 6:00 service in English so that people can invite unbelieving friends, co-workers, neighbors to come learn or polish their English for free! The normal evening service in Portuguese is right afterwards so many people will likely attend both.
Last night was our first service and, though hardly advertised, we had about 80 in attendance! My soul was deeply blessed as we sang many songs, involved congregants in scripture reading and "special music", and then Keith preached on being quick to listen and slow to speak. It was a switch to have to help the people sitting next to me find scriptures whose book names they didn't recognize...and I admit that I had the urge to stand up and say "this is how I feel!"...but resisted! :-) Oh that many who come for free exposure to English will get more than they bargained for...opened eyes, repentance, faith, eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord!
Afterwards we had about 10 minutes to talk with people IN ENGLISH before hopping into the truck and traveling across the city to lead services at another church. The pastor of that church has a burden for the struggles that America is going through right now so they called us onto the stage, stretched out their hands, and prayed for the US. Lovely.
I got back to my apartment at about midnight, thanking the Lord for the privledge of proclaiming His Word.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Church Building Prep.
The really cool part of this is that most of these people are not believers. It was a team effort that was enjoyed by all and a perfect and unexpected chance to preach the good news because all were gathered 'round at the end! Keith praised the Lord for what He's doing among them and gave the men a challenge to follow Christ. Then several Christians started proclaiming that they would be the first to marry in the new church (Quilombolas are never officially married). Oh man I would love to be there for that! This particular village has about 15 Christians...of which 2 are men.
I played with the children so as to keep them away from the heavy bricks for the evening. We took lots of pictures, played London Bridges and Ring Around the Rosie (in Portuguese). I can not wait to see them again!
(So happy they were in clothes this time because trying to take "shareable" pictures has been quite a task in the past. I think the pastor reprimanded the mommas a bit on my behalf last time. I would not have thought that necessary since it is the village culture, but I am thankful that he wanted to honor me in that way.)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Domingo (Sunday)
What a joy! What a joy! The lady who accepted Christ with us at a home improvement store several weeks ago said she would take a bus to our church the next day rather than ride with us, but never showed up. Deborah has called a time or two to follow up but did not get her. Today, however, she DID get her and the woman was very excited to talk to her. Deborah told her that she knows one person in this lady's neighborhood (far far side of the city) and that she would like to hook them up for discipleship and rides to church. Then Zane (the new Christian) out of nowhere said "does she have short hair?" Deborah thought to herself and then answered that yes she does but, thinking that this city has 3 million people, that description just didn't mean much. Zane kept describing the woman she thought Deborah was referring to and they came to the conclusion that somehow Zane knows this lady on her side of the city that calls herself a "volunteer missionary"! If the first part of this story (Zane's conversion) was not miraculous enough, here is another instance where the Lord is blowing our minds with His ability and delight in saving and training those which are His!
Church is Last!
Those that have ever lived in a foreign culture can surely relate to the feeling of total exhaustion at the end of a simple day. Everything is new and you concentrate for hours upon hours just trying to pick out the one or two words that you know in the sea of bla bla blas around you. Smells and tastes are different. Homes, processes, traffic rules (Lord have mercy!), fashion (here you see a lot more than in the States) and expectations are different. And while it is a total adventure, it's a lot of work too! I got a headache every day for my first few weeks because I was just working my brain too hard. But NOW AT LAST I am at rest here. I feel that my remaining time here is fleeting and that is kinda sad. :-(
This morning at church I felt at home walking through the halls and responding to this person's wave, and that person's "tudo bom?" with "tudo bem, voce tambien?" and was able to ask people followup questions to things they'd told me in the past (without translation...praise the Lord!)! I didn't have that ultra out of place tall white girl that doesn't understand a word you just said feeling anymore! This morning I understood about 50% of the sermon and at least 80% of the hymns and worship songs we sang! At last I have "friends" to stay after church and talk to about whatever, and several peers setting up times to get together on a coming evening. Ahhh.
Cooking American Food
This week I grew determined to make some American food, so yesterday (my day off) I walked to several stores looking for ingredients to make 3 things I've been craving. This morning I fixed the most delicious pancakes my mouth has ever tasted! For lunch I had chicken parmesan with sauteed veggies, italian bread hot out of the oven, and fresh pineapple! One evening this week I plan to make American style cookies for neighbors, but first I have to find baking soda!
These recipies have required that I improvise because I don't have measuring cups or spoons and don't know where to buy them. The gas stove cooks quickly and tiny ants come out of everywhere when any food is on the counter! I don't have Ziplock bags, Saran Wrap, spray Pam, a salt shaker, a microwave (for melting butter) or a good knife (accept for one gigantic meat cleaver thing that I cut the pineapple with! I'm a little over cautious with knives these days! See previous post "I Know How this Looks!"). All of these missing items made it really a puzzle. And ummm...there was pay off in the end!
Back to the Quilombo Tomorrow!
Leaving for "the interior" at 7am tomorrow to continue preparation for the church building we'll raise two weeks from now! Can't wait to see them again!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Have you ever experienced something so wide and deep that trying to write a paragraph or even a page to sumarize it seems to cheapen it? Well, that's part of why those posts will remain mere drafts. (I hope you will read the following...though longish.)
Another reason is that God is teaching me how much He does not need me to teach people everything He's teaching me!! Hehe. Some of you may be thinking "duh Sarah!" but this is quite a revelation for me. All who are genuinely seeking Him are hearing from Him too, only the truths are straight from The Source...powerful...and spoken in perfect sync with the rest of the events in the current chapter of their life. Those who are not seeking or hearing from God would not hear spiritual truths in my words anyway, so why think I have power to convince or bring a dead heart to life? (I acknowledge the other side of this in the last paragraph)
Somedays I deeply yearn to retell what He's just opened the eyes of my heart to, but then He reminds me that it is more important to live it than to tell it. In the not so distant past I would sometimes respond to His teaching with great zeal, pass it along to 5 or 10 others I thought would benefit too and then run out of steam and never really get to the part that counts...obeying Christ...loving Him...loving others. He's now led me into a season of hearing, obeying, letting Him produce lasting fruit through me, and letting those that need to be encouraged or challenged observe a life of genuine faith, that's growing...and hidden behind the great glory of Christ.
Also, I looooove to tell stories! Many of the people I'm closest to have commented at some point that they think their life is dull in comparisson to mine, but the truth is that I just think little things are big and worth making into a story. They may have a great day full of meaningful events and report at the end of the day that it was "fine" (lol! I've learned to love this and know that it's not the whole story! This is when question asking skills must come into play), but I'm gonna tell all about how cool it is that God designed us with eyelashes because that day I was riding my bike through a swarm of gnats and squinted my eyes only to discover that I could still see, but the bugs could not get in my eyes!!! You know...the things most people don't remember from their day, but there I sit like a child, wide-eyed and amazed and rolling straight into my next story about how cool it is that we have eyebrows... It can be both good and bad, but that's not the point.
While I'm living each day here, serving God, I don't want to have to be tempted by the thought that this will make a great blog and show everyone that the work here is effective. I prefer to serve God with all my heart, when no one is looking, and let God prove how great He' Deus.
NOW...let me say one last thing that you are probably already thinking...
We are supposed to testify to the great things that God has done!! Indeed! We are also supposed to do our good deeds in secret so that we will not be motivated by the praise and honor of men. I guess this is just one more area where we can not make a rule that works all the time and means we can take a break from abiding in Christ. A life of discipleship is one of following the daily leading of His spirit. Christ said repeatedly that He only did what His Father told Him to do. This is my aim. It will take my whole lifetime to perfect...but that's His job (perfecting my faith that is)!
Also, I believe this is a specific season of semi-muteness (is that a word?) for my life, not neccesarily anyone elses. God has made me a "talker", and a passionate person on is not bad, but always in need of God-centered refinement. I find it ironic that my longest post ever is about not needing to tell everyone what God is teaching me all the time!
So today God blessed me to pieces with some open doors to share His love in the wonderful name of Jesus. I have been praying for these, and many of you have been praying for them too! So let me simply say...God alone is great! Amen.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Quilombo Visit
The lady on the right is Deborah Jefferson (whom I work for). Through the process of moving into her new apartment last week she found many things she wanted to give to some women in this Quilombo. The women lined up and got to approach the tailgate of our truck and fill a bag or two. They were very thankful and Deborah had a good time sharing! I kept thinking of Jesus words that urge us to come buy bread without money. How great is His gift!
Look at the gun show!! Aren't they cute! Little boys (...and big boys too) are the same all around the world. These two fellas kept begging me to take their picture, posing this way and that, and telling me all sorts of amusing things that I could not understand.
Singing in English, Portuguese, and American Sign Language on the kick-off night of a church's missions emphasis week. All of the children were dressed in costumes to represent the nations of the world. It was a charismatic church in our city and the kids were waving little white squares of fabric around like flags as we worshipped our Great King. 3 little girls did an interpretive dance, and Keith (my boss) got after it while preaching! I enjoyed it so much.
I have sung at about 10 churches so far and Keith often preaches. Deborah is a wonderful support to both of us. We are forming relationships with other potential partners and enjoying the fellowship in Christ. People have received Christ at every single service I've attended. Sometimes as many as 15. It's hard for me to not weep when I see them humbly or excitedly approach the front to declare their repentence. One woman at our church had been counseling with the pastor for quite sometime because she was strongly tempted to kill all of her family members. Several weeks ago she gave her life to Christ instead. Amen.
On a side note: I liked this dress when I bought it for $12.00 a few weeks ago, but I have worn it so many times already I'd kinda like to burn it (halfway kidding). :-)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Christ the Redeemer
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mystery Meat
The lunch was delicious though I had to get over my nervousness about eating it since I couldn't tell what half of it was. There was one thing that I just had to buck up and make myself eat (greens) but she must have thought I liked it most and heaped another big pile of it on my plate!
Dessert was delicious...tasted and looked just like a big bowl of strawberry jam.
They taught me several more praise songs in Portuguese and we watched a Michael W. Smith concert on DVD with Portuguese subtitles.
Road the bus home and am about to take a nap before singing tonight. I'm going to a ladies small group retreat tomorrow afternoon but first meeting the movers with all of the Jefferson's belongings at 8am. Deus e Fiel!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I Know How This Looks!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Woman Joined the Family of God at Home Depot Tonight!
Tonight, famished, I left the Jefferson's and a stack of paint samples to grab a sandwich at the cafe inside the hardware store. I'd been sitting at a table eating and resting for 5 or so minutes and then went to the counter to pay (always pay after eating here). When I returned to my table a woman was sitting in my chair. I sat down across from her and she was a bit embarrassed and began to dismiss herself. I asked her to feel free to stay and when the Jefferson's came to join me they told her the same thing when she tried again to leave. Deborah and I began chatting about the kind of brushes we needed to paint the new apartment and Keith started telling this woman about the Lord! She was hanging on every word of truth that came from his mouth so he just kept sharing and kept sharing. Occassionally a tear would well up in the corner of her eye and she would discreatly wipe it away. Her boyfriend even came over and then left to buy more things when he realized that we were in deep converstation. I thought that would be the end of the conversation but she was immediately open to hearing more once he left. In the end she was ready to ask Christ to forgive her sins and be her Lord, so Keith led her in a prayer! She said she could feel instant peace in her heart and would come to church with us this Sunday! So sweet. The Lord is awakening the dead in Brazil, in the US, and all around the world!
Sights along my morning walk today...
- Dead dolphin on the beach :-(
- Tiny monkey on the powerline overhead
- Family of 3 that lives on a busy corner, washing clothes with a hose from the fire hydrant
- A leashed dog pooing on the sidewalk in front of me. Oh, that's how it all get's there!
- About 10 tiny fishing boats in the distance where the grey sky and grey ocean met
- A clothesline with newborn "onesies" on the porch of a house you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy
- A man in a shirt that said "I AM CANADIAN"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Deus e Fiel!
This week I have spent lots of time with Brazilians in their natural habitats!
The family below my apartment had me over for about 3.5 hours of Portuguese vocabulary, sentence formation and dinner (at 10pm)! Oh my gosh it was a hoot!
Two days ago I spent 9 hours exploring the city, on foot, with a new gal friend who only speaks Portuguese! It was such a practical way to get the words to stick in my head. It was important for me to visit many of the places that are central to the African and spiritist culture here. Sorry there are no's not safe to use a camera unless in a big group.
At one point we walked down a rusty, metal, spiral staircase into a dark and smelly expanse under a hippie market. I was trying to tell Daniela that I was scared and didn't think it was safe, but she kept motioning that I should come. It turns out that she was giving me a tour of the underground chambers where they used to store slaves from Africa. It was a big sewer-type space with arched canals and a stomach churning smell. I saw 4 other tourist taking pictures and instantly felt better, but found myself so sad for the reality of harsh slavery that has not been abolished for very long in this city.
She also took me to a small museum where several rooms were dedicated to Candomble, a common practice of witchcraft among Brazilians, and especially those in Salvador. The rooms had life size statues of their spirits (gods) and the entrance had an armed guard. We did did a quick turn about the room and left.
This stuff is really, really sad because they are in constant fear and consumed with spells to get revenge on the people they hate, get ahead in business, or to heal loved ones. Every now and then you'll see a little pile of food, a white candle, and/or popcorn strategically placed in a street...and I have come to learn that it's all apart of a spell that someone is hexing someone else with. There is a spot about a 30 second walk from my apartment where they practice these things in the middle of the night. Praise God for His truth which indwells us!
While on a high point of the city we saw a cruise ship docked in the distance and decided to head to that direction since Daniela had never seen a cruise ship before. We got there and could not see it due to tall metal walls, but did get to find out that it held 650 American college students and professors! They are on a 108 day cruise called "Semester at Sea" and take classes in their actual majors on board and receive assignments to accomplish in the 10 countries they plan to visit. Wow!
This week...
Thinking in Portuguese all day is exhausting, but wonderful too. We continue to visit churches who partner with us in reaching the Quilombos, get the Jefferson's new apartment ready for them to move into, intentionally build relationships with unbelievers I see regularly, soak up the language and culture, and we are preparing to receive two teams of Americans in the next month. One will focus on evangelism in the Quilombos and the other will raise a church from the ground up in one week! I love contributing to the ministry with the gifts and skills the Lord has entrusted me with. Thanks for those of you who are praying and supporting our work in various ways!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pictures for Fun!
This sign says that there
is only one way you can go.
Similarly, Christ is the only
way to receive full forgiveness
of sins without having to pay
the wages of it yourself through
eternal death! Isn't the sunset
beautiful??? Whew! I love Christ
for His sacrifice and for His
beautiful creation!
"Canga's" can be purchased for
about $10 and serve as a towel
to lay out on at the beach, something
to dry off after swimming in the ocean,
shade from the sun, a break from the wind,
a skirt, or a dress! I love mine!
You thought Houston tolls were high!
I nearly fell over when I saw this!
Granted it's really only about $6.50 USD for a car
but still!!!
Roommate/Singing Tonight/Cold Water
A Brazilian missionary named Daniella may move in with me when the Jefferson's move out. We met two days ago and have totally hit it off (she's staying with us this week). It's interesting to note that she does not speak English and I do not speak Portuguese, right now we are sitting at side by side computers in an internet cafe and using a translation website to send each other occassional messages. Tomorrow she is taking me to several important places in Salvador (since she is from here) and we will make flash cards for everything we see. It is sure to be an adventurous, fruitful, and tiring day!
Tonight we are going back to a tiny church about 1.5 hours from here so that I can sing, Keith can preach, and we can connect with the ones who are asking to join us in ministry to Quilombolas! I look forward to it!
Cold Showers
The locals have taught me the secret to painless cold showers! You only shock one leg, then the other, then an arm, and then the other at a time. It really does help!! Though most Brazilians do not have hot water at all, we only lost it for a few days due to electrical issues. No homes have hot water for dish washing or laundry!
Back in Salvador!
I have a English/Portuguese Bible and am beginning to study it (even though it's KJV) so that I can learn the words that will be most important to ministry here down the road when I can actually converse with Quilombolas without an interpretor.
"Order and Progress!"
These are the words on the Brazilian Flag!!...BUT...
I was warned about how inefficient things are here but didn't really expect it to be quite as bad as it is.
Five hours to open a cell phone account.
An entire day to renew *Visa's.
1. You get to an office that has processed Visa's for years and they say the location has changed. 2. You get there and it doesn't open until mid-morning.
3. You wait and then get sent to the mall to fill out an online form with the individual code you were given (website in complete Portuguese!).
4. Then you go to a bank to pay the Visa renewal fee using the barcode on the form you just printed at the mall.
5. Then you return to the Federal Police station at the Airport and fill out another form and pray that you're given favor with the attendant there because they are known for giving American's a really rough time,
6. and then finally get to go to another place in the city to get the documents stamped as authentic,
7. but they need copies of this document and that but don't have a xerox machine...
8. we go to a store that has a xerox machine
9. and drop by the bank for cash because they don't take credit cards
10. and return to get the stamps.
The only reason we only spent an hour at that place is because we had a connection that let us cut in front of about an hours wait.
Unbelievable Processes!
Here everyone has to pay their bills at the bank. At the beginning and end of the month there are hundreds of people in line at the bank. It is truely unbelievable!!!!
College professors start phone chains if they decide to change the class location on any particular morning. They can choose to do this if they just happen to be on the other side of town and would prefer to stay there and bring all of the students to them. Students spend their whole day traveling by bus from class to class in different locations around the city! The students engaged in loud protesting in the streets during my first week here!
I could tell more and more stories like this!!!
Miss Multi-Task
The inefficiency is the most difficult adjustment to being here, but it is good for me too! Everyone close to me knows that back home every half hour of my day is scheduled on the calendar until bedtime, and friends can't get a slot until the following week often times. I rarely just talk on the phone, or just grocery shop, or just hang out with a friend without meeting at the park for a 3 mile walk to kill two birds with one stone. Many of us live this way in the US...sometimes it is good, and sometimes we just need to use the Brazilian policies of "He-lax (this is how they say relax) and "no stress". The Lord is transforming my perspective on so many things and I praise Him for it!!
Embracing the Simple Life
I'm struggling to embrace the simple life but can see how it pleases the Lord to give me a less stressed life, by force, and teach me to delight myself in the simple things that I have missed in my busyness back home.
Love Takes Time
Most importantly...loving people takes time! I long to love people Christ does!! He doesn't give us 30 minutes of distracted time on His way to the next appointment. Such "efficiency and production" in one day must have it's roots in my own pride. How much better to love 15 people well then constantly apologize to 250 people that I didn't reply to their email fast enough or that I can't have lunch until next month cause I'm booked? :-) Just thoughts.